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Randomness Quiz

1. What is your opinion of cheese and crackers?
    a) Ewwwww
    b) Awesome!! I love cheese and crackers
    c) What kind of question is that??
    d) I prefer pink elephants.....

2. Do you know what radical means?
   a) Sure I do!
   b) Uhhh no! What kind of wierdo knows that?
   c) Yep
   d) Does it have anything to do with pink elephants?

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3. Do you like our blog?
   a) Yeah it's pretty awesome!!
   b) No! It's totally lame, dude!
   c) I'm not so sure....
   d) No! I haven't seen any pink elephants yet!!

4. What did you do today?
   a) Why would I answer that?
   b) Went to school
   c) Had a random time with my buddies
   d) Begged my mum for a pet pink elephant

5. What are you gonna do tomorrow?
    a) I'm not gonna tell you that!!
    b) Go to school
    c) Act random with my buddies
    d) Beg my mum for a pet pink elephant (I didn't succeed today)

6. What would you do if your parents told you that you could have a pet pink elephant?
    a) Scream like a banshee
    b) Make elephant noises
    c) I wouldn't react
    d) Shrug and leave

7. Do you have cool games/songs/pictures on your mobile phone?
   a) I don't have a mobile phone
   b) I totally do! My games/songs/pictures rock!!
   c) No my phone is lame
   d) Yeah I have a dancing pink elephant animation on my mobile

8. Do you like watching TV?
   a) Yes
   b) No
   c) If video games count then yes
   d) Only if a show about pink elephants is on

9. Do you go on YouTube?
   a) What's YouTube?
   b) Yeah!!
   c) Nope
   d) Yes I watch videos of pink elephants

10. Do you think we are random and awesome?
     a) No
     b) I sure do!!
     c) You guys rock!
     d) Hang on... I've lost my pink elephant!!!

If you answered mostly...

a) You need to work on your randomness!!!!!

b) You are totally and utterly awesome! Buuuuut I think you need to be more random....

c) You are now a randomer!

d) Stop the pink elephant obsession dude!!!!! But... Yeah you are extremely random!!!


About Me

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Eve has random cousins from Austrailia. Maisie plays the saxophone.